Citizenship by Investment

Dominica Citizenship by Investment

3 months
Dauer des Erwerbs der Staatsbürgerschaft
Contribution or Real Estate
Art der Investition
USD 200,000
Höhe der Investition
Weitergabe der Staatsbürgerschaft an zukünftige Generationen
Visa Free Travel to Europe Schengen Area, China, and Hong Kong
Visafreie Länder
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Dominica Citizenship by Investment
Dominica Citizenship by Investment

This tropical Caribbean island is home to lakes heated by volcanoes, wonderful waterfalls, and lush mountains. Located in the far east of the Caribbean, this isolated island is perfect to get away from it all and establish a new summer getaway or home. 

Dominica is looking for investors like you to bring in funds that will make Dominica a more economically diverse country. They are looking for investments in their Economic Diversification fund and their real estate sector to bring value into their country. In exchange, they offer citizenship for their country, which grants great tax benefits and amazing travel opportunities.

Benefits of Dominica Citizenship by Investment

Dominica has something to offer any investor looking for a stronger passport or a tax haven to conduct business from. The Dominica passport is particularly great if you want to travel to the Schengen region in Europe or Asia for an affordable investment amount. 

Dominica offers one of the more affordable citizenship by investment programs that is also very straightforward and quick to receive. The whole family can join in too as citizenship can extend to the entire family.

Dominica Citizenship by Investment
Dominica Citizenship by Investment

Visa-Free Travel

The Dominica unlocks visa-free travel to over 146 countries which includes, the Schengen Area, China, and even Hong Kong. Dominica citizens can fly to these countries at any time without having to fill out any prior paperwork. It also opens up opportunities like the B1/B2 work visa in the United States of America. With Dominica citizenship, you can apply for this 10 year work visa and have the opportunity to live and work in the USA for 10 years then even apply for citizenship there. 

Tax Benefits

Put simply, Dominica does not tax capital gains or inheritance. However, if you spend more than 183 days a year in Dominica, you become a tax resident and have to pay taxes on your income. 

No Requirement to Live in Dominica

The entire Dominica citizenship by investment process can be done completely overseas. There are no language tests or obligations to ever visit the country to keep your citizenship. Once you have your Dominica passport, it is yours for life, there are no other requirements to fulfill other than renewing your passport.

Dominica Citizenship Investment Options

If you are looking to make your money back on an investment in Dominica or want a vacation home then the real estate option may be for you. To qualify, you must purchase a property of at least $200,000. This can be any property found with the help of a consultancy or a government preapproved property

There are other fees and due diligence to be paid which are broken down here.


Single Investor

Family of 4

More than 4

Investment Amount


Government Fee



+$25,000 for each applicant under the age of 18

+$40,000 for each applicant over the age of 18

Due Diligence

  • $7,500 for each adult over 16 of age

  • $4,000 for each person under 16 of age

Other Fees

+$2,000 per applicant


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The Economic Diversification Fund was created to promote socio-economic programs to drive national development. This funds projects in both the private and public sector to create jobs, raise education, and economic stability.


Single Investor

Family of 4

More than 4

Investment Amount


Government Fee



+$25,000 for each applicant under the age of 18

+$40,000 for each applicant over the age of 18

Due Diligence

  • $7,500 for each adult over 16 of age

  • $4,000 for each person under 16 of age

Other Fees

+$2,000 per applicant


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Passport validity

Dominica passports are valid for 10 years for citizens over 16 and 5 years for those under 16 of age. 

Visa Free Countries

146+ Including Hong Kong and the Schengen Area

Government Processing Time

3-6 Months

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No commitment, no pressure or no commitment.


Holen Sie sich einen vertrauenswürdigen Partner, stellen Sie wichtige Dokumente zusammen, bewerben Sie sich, investieren Sie und erhalten Sie.


Selecting the right agency will lead to a successful Dominica citizenship by investment journey. Investing time in preparation with the right experts will prevent setbacks as well as the headache of having to go back and forth  with government agencies. 

Together, we will plan the perfect roadmap for your citizenship journey.

Gathering Documents

Proper documentation plays an important role in your Dominica citizenship by investment application. It's helpful to gather all the necessary documents, like financial statements, identification papers, and other required forms beforehand. Working with a qualified consultancy will ensure all documents are in order to prevent any setbacks.

Submitting Application

Once your Dominica citizen application is prepared, submit it through your chosen partner firm to the Citizenship by Investment Unit. The sooner your application is submitted the faster it can be processed and the sooner you and your family can receive your Dominica passports. 

Approval in Principle 

During the application process, stay in touch with your partner agency for updates on pre-approval. At this stage, you will be making your investment to move on closer to receiving your Dominica passport. The Dominica government will be conducting their due diligence to ensure that you and your family qualify for citizenship. 

Make Investment

Whether you will be purchasing property or investing in the Economic Diversification Fund, you need to make your investment and then show proof of the transaction. Your partnered agency will assist you in the process to make sure everything runs smoothly. 

Citizenship Certification & Passport Issuance

With everything done, all that is needed is one last interaction with the Dominica government to ensure that everything is in order to finish the process. Upon completing the process, your Dominica passports will be mailed to an official receiving point where you and your family will be collecting yours as Dominica citizens.


Klare und klare Antworten auf einige brennende Fragen, die Sie vielleicht schon haben

Wie lange dauert es, eine dominicanische Staatsbürgerschaft durch Investition zu erwerben?

Mit allen erforderlichen Unterlagen in Ordnung dank der Hilfe eines Beratungsagentur, ein Investitionsprogramm zur Staatsbürgerschaft von Dominica sollte etwa drei bis sechs Monate dauern. Je nachdem, welche Staatsbürgerschaft Sie bereits besitzen, kann es jedoch länger dauern, bis die Due Diligence durchgeführt wird.

Erlaubt Dominica die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft?

Ja, Dominica erlaubt die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft mit allen Ländern. Sie laufen niemals Gefahr, Ihre Staatsbürgerschaft zu verlieren, wenn Sie eine neue erwerben.

Wie viel kostet eine dominicanische Staatsbürgerschaft durch Investition?

Eine Investition von mindestens 200.000 USD ist erforderlich, um sich per Investitionsprogramm für die Staatsbürgerschaft von Dominica zu qualifizieren. Je nachdem, wie viele weitere Familienmitglieder in den Antrag aufgenommen werden, fallen verschiedene Gebühren an, die von der Sorgfaltspflicht bis hin zu anderen staatlichen Gebühren reichen. Diese können sich auf bis zu 5.000 USD pro Antragsteller belaufen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit einer erfahrenen Beratungsagentur auf, wie Mirabello-Beratung, das alle Kosten für Ihre Bewerbung berechnen kann.