صورة مناقشة المجموعة

تم تصميم استثمارك بشخصية وعاطفة.

Mirabello Consultancy هي شركة مقرها سويسرا، متخصصة في حلول الإقامة والجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار. نحن نقدم الجنسية عن طريق برامج الاستثمار التي تسهل على الأجانب الحصول على الإقامة والجنسية في بلدان مختارة حول العالم. تتضمن بعض برامجنا إنشاء أعمال جديدة داخل بلد مؤهل، أو الاستثمار في العقارات أو مشروع الطاقة المتجددة. حتى تتمكن من العثور على جنسية أحلامك من خلال الاستثمار معنا.
Some of our programs include the creation of a new business within a qualifying country, or investing in real estate or a renewable energy project. So you can find your dream citizenship by investment with us.

More than just a business partner

We find your dream citizenship by investment. We believe that good investment can be created with diversity, innovation and environmentally friendly conditions. We do this by implementing a process that is tailored to your needs and aspirations. We work with you to select the best property and create a plan to optimize your investment.

Our relationship goes beyond being a business partner.

We share not only a common goal, but also a commitment to each other’s success. We believe that teamwork is essential to success, and our culture reflects this belief. Our clients are our most important asset and we strive to develop them and ensure they have the resources they need to be successful. We believe that our success is tied together and that working together is the key to achieving it.

Our Partners: Lawyers, Architects, Engineers, Restoration Contractors, Financial Advisors, Artists, Curators and Real Estate Brokers.

Mirabello Consultancy has established partnerships with a world-class group of professionals to bring to you a fully integrated service based on trust, competency, experience and knowledge. We can find your dream citizenship or recidency trough a variety of investment programs.

فريق الخبراء الخاص بك

Specialized Services

Let us guide you through the intricate world of investment opportunities. Whether you're looking for expert advice or tailored solutions, we’re here to provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.
حدد موعدًا لاستشارتك الآن واستكشف كيف يمكننا مساعدتك
Let us guide you through the intricate world of investment opportunities. Whether you're looking for expert advice or tailored solutions, we’re here to provide the insights you need to make informed decisions.
Contact us