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Antigua and Barbuda vs St. Lucia Citizenship: Costs, and Investment Options

February 15, 2025
Antigua and Barbuda vs St. Lucia Citizenship: Costs, and Investment Options

Increasing globalization and uncertainty have made citizenship one of the most valuable personal assets. It offers various business and lifestyle benefits to investors and their families. This has given rise to government-run citizenship by investment programs, which grant eligible foreign applicants passports in exchange for a financial contribution to the country’s economy. The Caribbean offers some of the most popular citizenship by investment programs. 

This article compares the Antigua and Barbuda and St. Lucia citizenship by investment programs, exploring the costs, investment options, and business advantages to help investors determine which program aligns best with their goals.

  • Both Antigua and Barbuda and St. Lucia offer competitive citizenship by investment programs with unique benefits, including tax policies, political stability, and international mobility.
  • St. Lucia has a lower initial investment requirement for single applicants, while Antigua and Barbuda is more cost-effective for families.
  • St. Lucia offers a refundable government bond investment option, making it attractive for investors seeking capital preservation.
  • Antigua and Barbuda has a more developed banking sector, facilitating easier international financial transactions.
  • The choice between the two programs depends on factors such as family considerations and investment goals.

Overview of the Caribbean Citizenship Programs

A second citizenship from one of the Caribbean countries is one of the best ways to safeguard family and wealth against political and economic instability. Caribbean citizenship grants investors global mobility, opening up greater freedom of travel and secure diversification of assets. The island countries' British Commonwealth connection and other international treaties \mean investors get access to the UK, Canada, Schengen area, and even the USA – in addition to the CARICOM (Caribbean community). 

Caribbean citizenship by investment programs are regulated by local and regional laws. This means they share some common compliance bodies, like the JRCC (where Caribbean nations share information amongst themselves on potential security threats).

Because of these agreements, the Caribbean passports are some of the most powerful globally, with Antigua and Barbuda ranking 24th and St. Lucia ranking 27th (January, 2025). 

Overview of Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment

The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program was established in 2013 to help boost the country’s economy. Foreign investors can make a non-returnable donation to the National Development Fund (NDF), purchase property, contribute to the University of the West Indies (UWI), or invest in/start local businesses. In turn, you get high returns from the growing tourism market, visa-free access to over 160 countries, as well as safety and a high quality of life for your family.

Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Options 

There are four routes to Antigua and Barbuda citizenship to choose from:

  1. National Development Fund (NDF) Donation

The easiest way to get an Antigua and Barbuda passport is by donating to an initiative that supports the nation’s development and public projects. In August 2024, the national government changed the minimum investment amount from $100,000 to $230,000 – reflecting its increasing popularity. 

While there’s no need for maintenance fees after your initial investment, there are some additional fees and due diligence costs you should consider. 

  1. Real Estate Investment

If you purchase government-approved real estate for $300,000, you qualify for citizenship. Antigua and Barbuda offers various property types to choose from, including luxury homes, rental apartments and condos, and even affordable homes. However, with most of the island nation undergoing property development as residential areas reach their maximum occupancy, this might change in the near future. Some popular areas to invest in at the moment include Fort James to Blue Waters, Pillar Rock to Five Islands, Pearns Point to Johnson’s Point, Falmouth Harbour to Galleon Bay, and more. After five years, the property can be sold again.

  1. Business Investment

Individual investors can put down $1.5 million in an existing enterprise or new venture that has been approved by the government. You can also join other investors and combine your contributions (like a consortium). 

  1. UWI Investment

For a minimum contribution of $260,000 to UWI, investors and their families receive citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda, as well as a one-year scholarship for one of the family members. This option only covers up to six family members.

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Steps to Apply for Antigua and Barbuda Passport

The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program is known for its efficiency and speed, with a simple process to apply:

  1. Preliminary Assessment

Start by reaching out to professionals who specialize in citizenship by investment. They can guide you through the requirements and next steps of the process. This initial consultation often acts as a preliminary assessment.

2. Choose an Investment Option

With help from the experts, you can select an investment option that aligns with both your personal aspirations and business objectives, whether its a donation to the nation’s development, a business, real estate, or the university. 

3. Gather Your Documents

Consultants will take you through the program’s requirements and help ensure you have all the necessary documents, including: 

  1. Application form
  2. High-resolution color copies of your passport or ID
  3. An authenticated copy of your birth certificate to confirm your birthplace and date
  4. Criminal record certificate
  5. Medical certificate
  6. Professional reference
  7. Marriage or divorce certificates (if applicable)
  8. Affidavit of support for dependents
  9. Licensed agent form
  10. Bank statements

4. Apply for Citizenship

Once you have done your initial due diligence, your consultant can take care of the rest. They will submit your documents to the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU). 

5. CIU Reviews Application

The CIU, which has been tasked by the Antigua and Barbuda government to handle all the country’s citizenship by investment applications, then reviews your documents and will let you know if there are any additional requests or amendments. 

6. Preliminary Approval

The CIU will grant you preliminary approval if your application is in order and will invite you to make your final investment. This needs to be done within a specific timeframe, or you will have to start the process all over. 

7. Become a Citizen

You will receive a Certificate of Registration confirming your citizenship when your investment is complete. Use this to apply for your Antigua and Barbuda passport. 

Overview of St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment

The St. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program was established in 2015 by the Saint Lucia National Economic Fund (NEF) to pay off its public debt and drive sustainable economic growth. You can choose from the following options:

St. Lucia National Action Bond Contribution

St. Lucia’s citizenship by investment program is the only one in the region that offers a government bond investment option. Introduced in January 2023, investors have to deposit $300,000 into a refundable Government Bond. After a minimum holding period of five years, you can redeem the capital at 0% interest. 

St. Lucia National Economic Fund (NEF) Contribution

The St. Lucia NEF was established in 2015, along with the country’s citizenship by investment program, to ensure economic growth and development. Foreign investors can make a contribution to the fund to get a second passport. This varies based on the number of dependents included in the application. 

For a family of four applying, it’s $240,000. For every additional qualifying dependent under the age of 18 after that, it’s $10,000, or $20,000 if they are over 18. 

Real Estate Investment

St. Lucia’s real estate market has shown consistent growth in the last few years, with the average price per square meter for a house currently valued at $6,500. Investors must purchase a property within a pre-approved development project. For an individual, the investment amount is $300,000. For a couple, it is $140,000. For a family, it is $150,000. 

You only need to hold the real estate investments for five years, after which you can sell it for a high profit. 

Participating in an Enterprise Project

As part of St. Lucia’s efforts to grow its economy, it also gives investors the opportunity to participate in an approved enterprise project. 

  • For an individual, the minimum amount is a $3.5 million investment. 
  • For a joint investment, it is $6 million, with each investor contributing a minimum of $1 million. 

Steps to Apply for a St. Lucia Passport

With the help of consultants, St. Lucia’s citizenship by investment program can be just as efficient as Antigua and Barbuda’s process. Here are the steps

  1. Pick a Consultant

Investing time in preparation and consulting experts who have been through this a thousand times will help ensure your application does not get rejected. It can also end up saving you time during the approval process. 

  1. Fill in Application

Work with your migration consultant to ensure you have the right documents, including: 

  1. Application form
  2. High-resolution color copies of your passport or ID
  3. An authenticated copy of your birth certificate to confirm your birthplace and date
  4. Criminal record certificate
  5. Medical certificate
  6. Professional reference
  7. Marriage or divorce certificates (if applicable)
  8. Affidavit of support for dependents
  9. Licensed agent form
  10. Bank statements

Your consultants can help ensure that your application form is up to standard and stands out.

  1. Submit Application

Once you have prepared all your forms and documentation, your consultants will submit it to the St. Lucia CIU, tasked with processing applications. Wait for their approval, and be prepared to address any additional requests. 

  1. Make Investment

You will be invited to make the final investment once you have been approved. 

  1. Receive Citizenship

When the final investment has cleared, you will receive a Certificate of Citizenship that you can use to get your passport. 

Key Differences Between Antigua and Barbuda vs. St. Lucia Passports

While the steps for receiving your Antigua and Barbuda or St. Lucia passports are similar, there are four key differences to look out for, including: 

  1. Stay Requirements

With the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program, you have to visit the country for five consecutive days within the first five years of receiving your citizenship. St. Lucia, on the other hand, has no stay requirements. Neither country requires investors to become residents. 

  1. Visa-free Access

Antigua and Barbuda offers visa-free access to 150 other countries via its various international treaties, whereas St. Lucia offers 146. 

  1. Approval Time

Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment process usually takes between four to six months, whereas St. Lucia can be quicker; between three and six months. 

  1. Renewal Frequency

Antigua and Barbuda’s passport has to be renewed after the first five years, and again every 10 years after that. St. Lucia’s passport only has to be renewed every 10 years. 

The Benefits of Antigua and Barbuda Passport

In addition to being part of the Caribbean countries, the beautiful scenery, and the nation’s growing economy, Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship by investment program offers the following benefits: 

  1. International Access

You can travel visa-free to over 151 countries (the UK, Schengen Area, Hong Kong, and Singapore) with an Antigua and Barbuda passport. You also receive a B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa to the United States (US) for 10 years. 

  1. Easy Banking

Antigua and Barbuda’s financial sector outshines the other Eastern Caribbean nations’, with investors allowed to open European bank accounts. This helps with currency control and international banking costs.

  1. Return on Investment

You can either rent out the property you’ve invested in, with yields ranging between 2% and 5% per year, or you can sell it for a profit after five years of ownership. 

  1. Favorable Tax Policies

After spending 183 days per year in the country, investors can qualify as tax residents, enjoying Antigua and Barbuda’s well-known investor-friendly tax system. Citizens don’t have to pay income, capital gains, wealth, or inheritance tax. 

  1. Stable Social and Political Environment

With a free and fair democratic political system, a stable macroeconomic environment, and various socioeconomic development initiatives in place, Antigua and Barbuda has a stable social and political climate. This is supported by an independent judicial system, as well as the country’s membership in an integrated OECS legal system. 

  1. Dual Citizenship

You do not have to renounce your current nationality when you apply for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship. 

  1. Includes Family 

Investors can include family members and other eligible dependents in their Antigua and Barbuda citizenship application. Spouses, children under 30, parents over 55, and even siblings under 18 can all get citizenship.

  1. Quality of Life

Citizens can also make use of Antigua and Barbuda’s state-of-the-art healthcare and education systems, as well as the many new tourism offerings. 

The Benefits of St. Lucia Passport

A St. Lucia citizenship also offers investors various benefits, including: 

  1. International Access

St. Lucia citizens can travel to 146 other countries (including the Schengen area, the UK, and Hong Kong) without a visa. You also receive a B-1/B-2 Visitor Visa to the United States (US) for 10 years. 

  1. Easy Business

Business-friendly policies make it easy for investors to set up a company in St. Lucia, open bank accounts for international business, and conduct foreign currency transactions with global partners. 

  1. Return on Investment

Investors can sell both real estate and government bonds for a profit after five years of ownership. You can also earn a rental income of 2% to 5% per year on any property you’ve purchased. 

  1. Favorable Tax Policies

St. Lucia’s citizens don’t have to pay any capital gains, inheritance, wealth, or income taxes. 

  1. Dual Citizenship   

St. Lucia allows you to hold a dual citizenship, which means you can retain your first passport. 

  1. Includes Family 

Investors can include family members and other eligible dependents in their St. Lucia citizenship application. Spouses, children under 30, parents over 55, and even siblings under 18 can all get citizenship.

  1. Quality of Life

St. Lucia boasts two state-of-the-art hospitals, as well as reputable education, banking and security systems that promise a high quality of life.  

How to Choose Between Antigua and Barbuda and St. Lucia Citizenship

There are many factors to consider when you are choosing between Antigua and Barbuda and St. Lucia citizenship, but it will ultimately come down to your specific needs.

Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship by investment program is more popular with families, largely due to the UWI investment option offering both a global education and six family members’ citizenship. It also has the most affordable options for families, consistent at $230,000 – no matter if you are an individual, a couple, or a family of five.

The Antigua and Barbuda passport ranks higher on the Global Passport Index (24) than St. Lucia (27), offering access to 150 other countries, including the US. St. Lucia only provides access to 146 countries, which doesn’t include the US.

Antigua and Barbuda also has no personal tax on foreign income, whereas St. Lucia charges 30%. St. Lucia’s corporate income tax is higher, at 30% vs. 25%, but charges less when it comes to stamp duty (2% vs 2.5%) and social security contributions (10% vs 13%).

St. Lucia has more investment opportunities than Antigua and Barbuda, offering both government bonds and enterprise investment opportunities. The government bond is refundable, which offers investors guaranteed returns after five years of ownership. 

So while Antigua and Barbuda is a good option for investors looking after their family legacy, St. Lucia is a better option for investors wanting high returns and business opportunities. 

How Mirabello Consultancy Can Assist You in Obtaining Antigua and Barbuda or St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship

Mirabelhlo Consultancy specializes in assisting global investors with personalized solutions that align with their financial and lifestyle objectives. With years of experience helping foreign investors navigate the Antigua and Barbuda and St. Lucia citizenship programs, we provide end-to-end support, ensuring all your paperwork is in order and providing insights into real estate opportunities, business ventures, and fund contributions. We also liaise with government agencies to expedite the application.

Choosing between Antigua and Barbuda and St. Lucia citizenship requires a thorough understanding of their differences, as each program offers distinct benefits that cater to various investor profiles. Factors such as investment opportunities, requirements, family, and long-term goals play a crucial role in making the right decision. With the right advice, you can get through the process efficiently and secure a second passport that best supports your lifestyle and investment ambitions.


Which is more affordable: Antigua and Barbuda or St. Lucia Citizenship?

St. Lucia's donation requirement starts at $100,000 for a single applicant, while Antigua and Barbuda's minimum donation requirement is $130,000 (including processing fees). However, Antigua and Barbuda becomes more cost-effective for families, as it allows up to four family members under the same $130,000 contribution, whereas St. Lucia charges additional fees per dependent.

How long does it take to obtain citizenship from Antigua and Barbuda or St. Lucia?

Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment process usually takes between four to six months, whereas St. Lucia can be quicker; between three and six months. 

Can I include my family members in my Antigua citizenship application?

Yes, both Antigua and Barbuda and St. Lucia allow applicants to include spouses, children, parents, and even siblings. Antigua and Barbuda offers a more family-friendly structure, particularly for larger families.

Do I need to reside in Antigua or St. Lucia to maintain my citizenship?

Neither country requires permanent residency, but Antigua and Barbuda has a physical presence requirement: new citizens must spend at least five days in the country within the first five years. St. Lucia has no such requirement, offering more flexibility for those who do not wish to relocate.

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