March 22, 2024
Citizenship by investment programs

Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Requirements and Costs in 2023

Are you ready to explore one of the most popular and appealing citizenship programs in 2023? Consider the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program. There are four investment alternatives available: real estate investment, university investment, one-time contribution, and business investment.

But that isn't all. Aside from the draw of Caribbean beaches and a second passport that permits you to hold dual citizenship, Antigua and Barbuda's citizenship scheme has several compelling benefits. No need for a UK visa, visa-free travel to 151 countries, including the Schengen Zone, and easy to apply for a 10-year US tourist visa (B1/B2).

Interested in learning more? Our competent experts would love to work with you, contact us today to help you understand the entire process and cost involved. Meanwhile, let's look at the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Requirements while also breaking down the fees to ensure you're well-prepared to embark on this exciting adventure. So, let's get started and find out what it takes to make Antigua and Barbuda your second home in 2024.

Investment Programs and The Total Costs for Obtaining Antigua Passport 

When considering the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship program, it is critical to delve deeply into the complex world of investment opportunities and their associated financial responsibilities. In this section, we will meticulously explore the multifaceted landscape of each pathway, shedding light not only on the requirements and costs but also on the unique benefits that each option offers, empowering you to make an informed decision as you embark on your journey to obtaining Antigua citizenship.

National Development Fund (NDF) Non-Refundable Contribution

This program, suitable for individuals and families not limited to five members, offers remarkable cost efficiency. It involves a non-refundable donation towards the country's national development funds, starting at a minimum of $100,000. This contribution directly contributes to the progress of Antigua and Barbuda while securing your path to citizenship.

  Investor Spouse Family 5+ 

Investment amount

US $100,000 US $100,000 US $125,000

Total other fees 

US $30,300 US $30,600

US $31,500+

Cost for dependents 


$2,000 per dependent 12-17 

$4,000 per dependent 18 and over

Choice effectiveness 

The National Development Fund (NDF) is an excellent investment option because it does not necessitate any additional follow-ups or monitoring. In other words, the payment is non-refundable, and it is one of the quickest and easiest ways to obtain an Antigua & Barbuda citizenship.

Real Estate Investment

To qualify for this program, investors must purchase real estate from an authorized project, with a minimum investment of USD 200,000. Joint applications are allowed, with a similar minimum requirement for each applicant. It's crucial to note that the property must be held during the first five years of citizenship.

  • Investor: $200,000+
  • Spouse: $200,000+
  • Family of 5 or more: $200,000+
  • Total other fees (including passport): $30,300 to $31,500+
    Cost for dependents: $2,000 per dependent 12-17 / $4,000 per dependent 18 and over

Choice effectiveness 

The investment program's effectiveness lies in its inclusive accessibility, as it allows a range of applicants with one investor and inclusion of family. However, the gem of this investment option is that your real estate will gain interest during the first 5 years when you obtain it and then you will be able to sell it at a higher price. 

University Investment

Designed for families with six or more members, this program offers financial benefits and an educational incentive. Any but only one family member under the age of 29 is eligible for a year of tuition-free education at the prestigious University of the West Indies.

  • Family of 6 or more: $150,000
  • Total other fees (including passport): $31,800+
  • Due Diligence: $15,000+

Choice effectiveness 

This is the ideal option for families of six or more people. By participating in this program, you help both the Caribbean's and your own future generations' growth and development. Your support for education ensures that the region continues to produce educated people capable of leading and creating a number of vocations.

Investing in a Business

This investment program offers two investment options. Applicants can become sole investors by investing a minimum of $1.5 million in Antigua and Barbuda. Alternatively, if each investor contributes at least $400,000, a collective investment of at least $5 million is permitted.

Hidden and Extra Fees for  Citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda

In addition to the listed prices for obtaining your Antigua and Barbuda passport, you should be aware of any additional expenditures that may emerge. These costs include professional consultation and support from Mirabello Consultancy, formal application forms, citizenship and passport certification, and courier services. While these are considered additional expenses, they are required for a smooth application procedure.

Transparency is essential in this process. Reputable organizations, such as Mirabello Consultancy provide precise prices to clients, leaving no opportunity for hidden fees. This transparency ensures that you can pursue citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda with confidence and clarity.

Antigua And Barbuda Citizenship Requirements For Eligibility 

The possibility to become a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda is prestigious, but there are particular eligibility conditions. These criteria are carefully crafted to guarantee that those given citizenship share the ideals of the country and are committed to contributing to its prosperity. The following are the fundamental prerequisites:

Age and Financial Capability

Prospective citizens must meet fundamental criteria as follows:


Applicants must be at least 18 years old, demonstrating their readiness for the responsibilities that come with citizenship.

Financial Capability

Proof of financial capability is required, ensuring that individuals have the means to support their contribution to the country.

Background Check

It is important to ensure the nation's safety and security. As a result, all applicants are subjected to a thorough background check. This rigorous inquiry ensures that candidates have a clean past and are not involved in any criminal activity. This requirement helps to maintain Antigua and Barbuda's reputation as a safe and secure country.

Health Assessment

Prospective citizens share responsibility for their own health. Individuals seeking citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda must undergo a medical examination to confirm their health and ability to contribute constructively to the country.

Meeting these eligibility criteria is the first step in the journey toward becoming a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda, a country known for its beauty, culture, and welcoming community.

Benefits of Obtaining Citizenship in Antigua 

10-Year USA Visa

As a holder of the Antigua and Barbuda passport, you'll gain the invaluable advantage of a 10-year tourist visa to the United States when applying successfully at the US Embassy. This extended visa period provides convenience and flexibility for frequent travel to one of the world's most influential economies.

Access to Healthcare and Education

Antiguan citizenship not only offers a gateway to international travel but also opens doors to essential services. You'll have access to quality healthcare and educational opportunities, ensuring the well-being and development of you and your family.

Visa-Free Travel in 151 Countries

The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship passport bestows a remarkable privilege upon its holders – visa-free access to an impressive 151 nations. Among these, the prestigious Schengen region stands out, welcoming travelers from across the globe to enter and stay for up to 90 days within every 180-day period. Notably, the United Kingdom extends its arms, allowing investors to relish up to 180 days annually. Also other sought after countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong are part of the vast Visa-Free list.

Exceptional Tax Benefits

Beyond its travel advantages, the Antigua and Barbuda citizenship passport acquired through investment offers significant financial perks. The nation is celebrated as a haven for investors due to its policy of no taxes on capital gains, inheritances, or personal income. Even tax residents find solace in Antigua and Barbuda, as they are exempt from paying taxes on earnings, interest, or royalties. This fiscal freedom makes it an appealing choice for those seeking to optimize their financial status.

Efficient Application Process

Obtaining an Antigua and Barbuda passport through investment is remarkably efficient. In comparison to citizenship procedures in many other nations, the entire process typically spans a mere three to six months. What sets it apart is its remote procedure, eliminating the necessity for language or history tests and ensuring accessibility for all applicants.

Benefits of Being a Commonwealth Member

The Commonwealth citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda confers additional benefits. Citizens have special benefits in the United Kingdom and other member nations, which improves their global connectivity. Beyond its passport benefits, Antigua and Barbuda is an attractive destination for residency or second home ownership, boasting excellent flight connections to North America and Europe. This passport certainly opens up a world of possibilities and adventures.

Safe Life for You and Your Family

The Antigua and Barbuda citizenship passport not only provides practical benefits, but it also promises a quick transition to a more dynamic way of life. The vibrant and warm culture of this Caribbean paradise embraces you from the moment you step foot in it. The country's inclusive rules encourage a sense of familial unity by allowing applicants to involve diverse family members, such as spouses, parents, and even unmarried siblings, on their journey to a safer and more enriching living.

Strong Economy

Investing in Antigua and Barbuda means becoming part of a thriving economy. The nation's robust economic stability creates a conducive environment for business growth and financial security, enhancing your overall quality of life.


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