

February 12, 2025

Nowadays a strong passport and a high level of global mobility are considered a significant advantage. There are more than 150 Antigua and Barbuda visa-free countries, providing citizens with great travel opportunities without the need for lengthy visa applications.

In this article, we’ll cover the main advantages of Antigua and Barbuda citizenship, a list of visa-free, visa-on-arrival, and eVisa countries, and explain the 4 main options to apply for citizenship.

  • Global mobility and visa-free countries for Antigua and Barbuda come with benefits like business efficiency, advanced healthcare system access, and advanced educational opportunities.
  • Some Antigua and Barbuda passport visa-free countries include  Austria, Belgium, Belize, Dominica, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.
  • Antigua and Barbuda provides visa-on-arrival or eVisa access to countries like Armenia, Bolivia, Nepal, Jordan, and Sri Lanka.
  • Countries that require a visa to enter their territory for Antigua and Barbuda visitors, include the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  • There are 4 main options to apply for Antigua and Barbuda citizenship. These are: citizenship by descent, citizenship by marriage, citizenship by naturalization, and citizenship by investment.

Global Mobility and Visa-Free Travel for Antigua and Barbuda Citizens

Having a mobility score of 153, Antigua and Barbuda is considered to have the 27th strongest passport in the world. Granting your citizens with visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to many countries comes with advantages like:

Business Efficiency

Business owners and top managers can attend meetings, conferences, and events without waiting for visa approval. As an entrepreneur, with this, you can make sure that you won’t lose any business opportunities that are connected with global mobility.

Advanced Healthcare Access

People who have Antigua and Barbuda citizenship, benefit from the worldwide healthcare system. Other countries’ medical facilities work without any delays caused by visa requirements.

Advanced Educational Opportunities

Families and students who are looking for advanced educational opportunities will face many open doors thanks to the Antigua and Barbuda passport. Citizens of this country will have easier access to visa-free countries’ educational systems.

Visa-Free Countries

As mentioned before, Antigua and Barbuda passport holders benefit from having access to 138 countries. Here are more details about them:

Albania Gibraltar North Macedonia
Andorra Greece Norway
Austria Hungary Poland
Belarus Iceland Portugal
Belgium Ireland Romania
Bosnia and Herzegovina Italy Russia
Bulgaria Kosovo San Marino
Croatia Latvia Serbia
Cyprus Liechtenstein Slovakia
Czechia Lithuania Slovenia
Denmark Luxembourg Spain
Estonia Malta Sweden
Faroe Islands Moldova Switzerland
Finland Monaco Ukraine
France Montenegro United Kingdom
Germany Netherlands Vatican City
China Qatar
Georgia Singapore
Hong Kong South Korea
India Sri Lanka
Malaysia South Ossetia
Transnistria Uzbekistan
North America
Anguilla Cuba Montserrat
Aruba Curaçao Nicaragua
Bahamas Dominica Panama
Barbados Dominican Republic Saint Kitts and Nevis
Belize El Salvador Saint Lucia
Bermuda Greenland Saint Martin
Caribbean Netherlands Grenada Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
British Virgin Islands Guatemala Trinidad and Tobago
Canada Haiti Turks and Caicos Islands
Cayman Islands Honduras  
Costa Rica Jamaica  
South America
Brazil Ecuador Peru
Chile French Guiana Suriname
Colombia Guyana Venezuela
Cook Islands Kiribati Niue
Fiji Micronesia Vanuatu
French Polynesia New Caledonia  
Cta 安排通话



Visa-on-Arrival and eVisa Options

Before applying for citizenship by investment in Antigua and Barbuda, it’s important to learn about Antigua and Barbuda visa-free countries, as well as the ones that are visa-on-arrival or need an eVisa.

eVisa countries include:

Papua New Guinea
Côte d'Ivoire
Ivory Coast
São Tomé and Príncipe
South Sudan

Countries that issue visa-on-arrival, are:

Armenia Jordan Macau
Bangladesh Laos Maldives
Cambodia Lebanon Nepal
South America
South America
Benin Madagascar Seychelles
Comoros Mauritania Sierra Leone
Djibouti Mozambique Somalia
Egypt Rwanda Saint Helena
Guinea-Bissau Senegal Togo

The key benefits of visa-on-arrival and eVisa travel are:

  • Fast processing and hassle-free traveling
  • Wider mobility
  • Lower fees compared to the traditional visa
  • More convenience as online applications take less time

Countries That Require Visa for Antigua and Barbuda Citizens

The remaining countries require Antigua and Barbuda citizens to have a visa before entering their territory. 

Afghanistan Kazakhstan Saudi Arabia
Azerbaijan Kuwait Syria
Abkhazia Mongolia Taiwan
Bhutan Myanmar Thailand
Brunei North Korea Turkmenistan
Indonesia Oman United Arab Emirates
Iraq Pakistan Vietnam
Israel Palestine Yemen
North America
Puerto Rico
United States Virgin Islands
United States
South America
Falkland Islands
American Samoa Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Islands
Australia Nauru Samoa
Guam New Zealand Tonga
Algeria Democratic Republic of the Congo Libya
Burkina Faso Republic of the Congo Mali
Burundi Equatorial Guinea Morocco
Cameroon Eritrea Namibia
Central African Republic Ghana Niger
Chad Liberia Sudan

How to Obtain Citizenship in Antigua and Barbuda

There are several options that open the doors to Antigua And Barbuda citizenship. As a foreigner, you’ll have the following primary methods:

1. Citizenship by Descent

If at least one of your parents or grandparents has Antigua and Barbuda roots and you can prove it, you’ll have an opportunity to become a citizen. The applicants are usually required to provide the following documents:

  • An application form
  • A valid passport
  • A birth certificate
  • Birth certificates of the parents or grandparents who have Antigua and Barbuda citizenship
  • Passport-sized photos

2. Citizenship by Marriage

Another way to acquire Antigua and Barbuda citizenship is by getting married to a citizen. As an applicant, first of all, you need to be married to an Antigua and Barbuda national for at least 3 years. The basic required documents are:

  • An application form
  • A valid passport
  • A birth certificate
  • A marriage certificate
  • Passport-sized photos

3. Citizenship by Naturalisation

The longest way to get Antigua and Barbuda citizenship is by naturalization. To be eligible, you need to live 5-7 years in the country before applying for citizenship. Afterward, you’ll need to reside there for 12 more months. Here’s the list of the basic documents that are needed:

  • An application form
  • A valid passport
  • A birth certificate
  • A marriage certificate, if any
  • Clean criminal record
  • Bank statements
  • Passport-sized photos

4. Citizenship by Investment

Antigua and Barbuda citizenship by investment program launched in 2013 and offers 4 different investment options. Depending on the option, the minimum investment and fees will vary. Let’s have a look at each of these options:

Non-refundable Contribution to National Development Fund: The investor needs to contribute to industries like healthcare, education, and agriculture with at least $230,000.

Here’s a list of fees depending on a number of applicants:

Single Applicant

Processing Fee: $10,000

Due Diligence: $8,500

Other Fees: ~$2,400

Married Couple

Processing Fee: $20,000

Due Diligence: $13,500

Other Fees: ~$2,700

Family of 4

Processing Fee: $20,000

Due Diligence: $8,500 for the investor

$5,000 for the spouse

$2,000 for each family member aged 12 to 17

$4,000 for each family member over 18

Other Fees: ~$3,300

Family of 5+

Processing Fee: $20,000 for a family of 4 (+ $10,000 for each additional member)

Due Diligence: $8,500 for the investor

$5,000 for the spouse

$2,000 for each family member aged 12 to 17

$4,000 for each family member over 18

Other Fees: ~$3,600

Non-refundable Donation to a Higher Educational Institution: This option requires at least 6 family members in one application. Applicants need to make at least $260,000 donation.

尽职调查: 投资者 8,500 美元

为配偶提供 5,000 美元

每位 12 至 17 岁的家庭成员 2,000 美元

每位 18 岁以上的家庭成员 4,000 美元

其他费用: 约 2,400 美元

房地产投资: 作为申请人,您需要在房地产上投资至少30万美元。从清单中购买房产很重要 政府批准的房地产


手续费: 10,000 美元

尽职调查: 8,500 美元

其他费用: 约 2,400 美元


手续费: 20,000 美元

尽职调查: 13,500 美元

其他费用: 约 2,700 美元


手续费: 20,000 美元

尽职调查: 投资者 8,500 美元

为配偶提供 5,000 美元

每位 12 至 17 岁的家庭成员可获得 2,000 美元

每位 18 岁以上的家庭成员可获得 4,000 美元

其他费用: ~3,300 美元


手续费: 4 口之家 20,000 美元(每增加一名成员 10,000 美元)

尽职调查: 投资者 8,500 美元

为配偶提供 5,000 美元

每位 12 至 17 岁的家庭成员可获得 2,000 美元

每位 18 岁以上的家庭成员可获得 4,000 美元

其他费用: ~3,600 美元

商业投资: 作为投资者,申请人有两种主要的商业投资选择。要么他/她至少可以花费150万美元在安提瓜和巴布达发展一家公司,要么进行至少500万美元的集体投资,每位投资者至少可以投资40万美元。

手续费: 20,000 美元

尽职调查: 19,500 美元

其他费用: ~3,300 美元


  • 申请人必须年满18岁,
  • 申请人需要有无犯罪记录,
  • 申请人需要有足够的资金证明,
  • 申请人必须没有严重的疾病,
  • 主申请人的配偶需要没有犯罪记录,
  • 对于子女,如果他们有精神或身体上的残障并且得到主申请人的全力支持,则没有年龄限制,
  • 父母或祖父母必须年满55岁,并且完全依赖主申请人。如果他们有精神或身体上的残障并得到主申请人的全力支持,他们也没有任何年龄限制,
  • 兄弟姐妹必须是未婚的,如果未满18岁,则必须征得父母或监护人的同意。

下一步,你需要联系 专业代理,他将指导你完成整个申请流程。

Mirabello Consultancy如何帮助您获得安提瓜和巴布达公民身份

通过联系 米拉贝洛咨询公司,您将获得自己的个性化咨询。首先,我们的代理人将帮助您了解资格标准以及获得公民身份所需的具体条件。我们将评估您是否符合要求。然后,我们将引导您了解有助于您获得公民身份的选项。之后,我们将考虑投资选择。无论是国家发展基金捐款还是 房地产投资,我们的代理商将探索每个细节,让您做出深思熟虑的决定。最后,在申请过程中,我们将指导您完成文书工作的准备和提交。












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